Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Long Term Care in the Eyes of a Physical Education Major

Long Term Care should not be denied to anyone. I think it is important that those who are in need of care should not have to struggle to pay the costs for care facilities, sacrifice the quality of care or not have access to care. While I’m not an expert at Long Term Care, something has to be done to improve access for those who have a hard time accessing health care. For people to have access to high quality health care, costs would need to be contained and lowered and those who still cannot afford the costs would then receive government assistance.

I am a physical education major and I am also studying health at UW-Whitewater. I can relate my studies to this by physical exercise. Starting at a young age with physical exercise will promote a healthier lifestyle in the future. This applies to Long Term Care because by promoting exercise and physical activity early on in life, chronic illnesses are less likely to occur as people age, which will help to keep them out of long-term care facilities and in the long run, cut down on health care costs. Also, those who are more physically fit and active are less likely to suffer injuries that would require them to be put into a Long Term Care facility or require assistance from families or nurses and would avoid complications that are faced during recovery.

1 comment:

  1. I think the idea of presenting a more phyiscal lifestyle for the elderly would greatly benefit them. My grandparents are in their late 70s. But you would never guess because they stay so active. My grandma works and travels a lot, will my grandpa never sits still. This activity in there lives is obviously not extreme, but it is enough keep them moving and keep their muscles staying strong. I hope to have as much energy in their lives now when I am that age.
